Wednesday, April 27, 2011


So this past weekend was Easter and I love Easter! I love Easter egg hunts and being outside. I love the chocolate and all of the cute little bright outfits the little kids wear to church on Easter Sunday and I love being able to start off the spring season with a newness and having a time to focus on our Savior. This past semester I was able to thoroughly study the New Testament. Something I'm embarassed to admit was long overdue. (Sorry this is where I get churchy) but there is no greater blessing than to have the opportunity to grow closer to the Savior. I found this quote this week that pretty much sums up a few of my thoughts.

 “Words cannot fully describe the magnitude of the miracle that took place within the Garden Tomb that long-ago morning, but the angelic messenger captured its essence when he said, ‘He is not here: for he is risen.’ (Matt. 28:6.)

“It was an event long heralded by the prophets, long looked for among the Saints of God, long awaited by those in the world of spirits, yet little understood in the world at large, for none before had overcome the grave.

“The Lord’s resurrection completed the process of the Atonement that included His sinless life, His suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane, and His death on the cross. The Resurrection assured immortality for all, and the blessed Atonement provided a pathway to exaltation for those who will adhere to His gospel principles."

I'm so grateful for him and for his perfect example and for all he has provided for us; even eternal life. I know him and know that he lives. This is why I'm especially grateful for this Easter season.
On another note, one of my most favorite traditions takes place right around Easter. The Nelson Easter Egg Hunt at Aunt Connie & Uncle Craig's house! It's great to see so many familiar faces and get a chance to hold so many sweet babies!



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